Inreach is the opportunity for the congregation to nurture its community. At St. John's, we offer a plethora of ministries in order to strengthen our faith and relationships! Below you will find descriptions of each ministry, as well as links and contact information. 


Parish Family Life

St. John's hosts several family-friendly events over the course of the church year. Our most famous events include the Kick-Off Dinner (a feast of delicious fish and shrimp) to start the church year, and our parish-wide cookout in the spring (a delectable spread of homemade burgers and hot dogs). Other events in the past include themed Guest Chef Dinners on Wednesday nights, and themed Sundays (Hat Sunday, Seersucker Sunday, and Red, White and Blue Sunday, to celebrate Independence Day), in addition to our adult and youth ministries found on the Parish Life page. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact vestry member Julie MacRae.


Grief and Bereavement Support

If you or a loved one is ill or has passed, please do not hesitate to reach out to your congregation family. We are here to help support you and guide you through the difficult process of grief. For more information, please visit our Bereavement page.


Volunteer Opportunities

In addition to supporting our church community, we support our Fayetteville community as well!  We regularly serve breakfast with Operation Inasmuch, and provide repairs to homes and businesses annually with our Operation Inasmuch Blitz Day. To learn more about these activities, visit our Outreach page.


We welcome you to St. John's! We would love to embrace you and your family into our community.  We greet anyone who comes to our church with joy in our hearts. Newcomers are encouraged to fill out pew cards to drop in the offering plate, and we offer them a welcoming gift bag as well. For more information, please visit our Welcoming page.


Pastoral Care

A family's strength derives from its capacity to help and care for family members. Pastoral care involves looking after the well-being of our parish family: tending to needs, encouragement, nourishment, refreshing the soul, etc. St. John's extensive pastoral care network is sustained by 75+ parishioners serving on one or more of the six pastoral care committees. Pastoral Care offers parishioners a means to reach out to grieving, ill, or recovering members of the congregation. We offer opportunities to be on different committees to help with pastoral care such as the dispatch committee, helping hands committee, card committee, casserole committee, the flower committee and the prayer shawl committee. If you have concerns or comments, contact Parish Administrative Assistant Trishia Medema.


Care for the Deployed

Care for the Deployed has care packages ready and available to ship. Our mission is to thank and support our deployed soldiers. If your loved one is deployed and you would like CFD to send him or her a care package, please contact the church office by calling (910) 483-7405 or emailing communications@stjohnsnc.org.


Should you feel called to become involved in the inreach ministries at St. John’s, please feel free to contact the church office.