Daughters of the King with clergy

Daughters of the King with clergy

  • Sunday Bible Study

    Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in the Kyle House. A close reading and discussion of books of the Bible led by members of St. John’s. The class is avidly studying the Book of Luke. If you are interested, just join the group any Sunday or contact the parish office. Copies of the Bible are available for your use, and no advance preparation is required. Bring a friend!

  • Contemporary Issues

    Sundays Sep-May at 9:15 a.m. in the Vestry Room. A discussion group considering issues of faith, including forgiveness, discipleship and unconditional love, making biblical truths vivid and relevant for contemporary living, using video and discussion format. This class is led by Judy Klinck.

  • Episcopal Cursillo

    Episcopal Cursillo (Spanish for “short course” — from “Cursillo de Cristiandad”: “Short Course in Christianity”) is part of a movement that began in Spain in the 1940s, spreading in later decades to several Christian denominations through-out the world. Its purpose is to help those in the church understand their individual callings to be Christian Leaders. The leadership may be exercised in work situations, in the family, in social life, in leisure activities, and within the Church environment. Leadership, in Cursillo, does not mean power over others, but influence on others: all of us need to be aware that we can, with God’s help, exert a positive influence on those around us.

    A focus of Cursillo is the three-day weekend, which brings together a diverse group of Episcopalians to share the richness of many modes of worship and to broaden each one’s relationship with Jesus Christ. Lay people conduct the weekend with members of the clergy serving as spiritual advisors. Cursillo presumes that those who attend weekends are already well grounded in the faith. It is intended to be an enriching and deepening of what is already there, not a conversion experience. It often provides new insights into our faith as well as fostering ministry among lay people.

  • Daughters of the King

    The Daughters of the King is a religious order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the historic Episcopate. The order was founded in 1885, and there are over 18,000 women members worldwide. Officers of the Lydia Chapter (St. John's): Pawley Shields, president.

  • Education for Ministry

    Education for Ministry (EFM) provides a comprehensive, experiential education in the foundations and message of our Christian faith. The Program, sponsored by the School of Theology of the University of the South in Sewanee, TN, is for the laity of the church. Participants commit one year at a time to meet regularly in seminars led by a trained mentor. We are currently exploring the possibility of forming a group of interested members of St. John’s and Holy Trinity to meet locally and work through the online EFM. For additional information or to join any of the Christian Education classes, please contact the Church Office.